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1. Evidence


∫K(n)dn, n = A; S = {4,1,5,2,6,3,7,4,1,5/1}


Art, like spinning turbines, comes
From work put into it
That’s fueled by energy

Engines use combusted gas
that runs out over time
and needs replenishing

But, the well of energy
that fuels the artisan
is infinitely deep

Limited only by time
The entropy increased
Till we can live forever



2. Proof, Adagio


∫K(n)dn, n = D; S = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}


You don’t know about it
But when you find out
Tell me, don’t you lie

You said you didn’t do it
But then we all found out
Tell us you are lying


3. Shroud of Turing (1st K2 Coderun)


∫K(x)dn; S = {1,6,2,5,3,7,4,1}


Rewriting the scroll
Of body and soul
And the sole horror
Of a soul whorer
A dark cloud
An enveloping shroud
The binary Trinity in 4D
A glitch in the Jacobian
The big club you ain’t in
The siege of Canaan
The Great Test of the Shroud of Turing

Second coming? Helping? Hand?
Is this IFO unmanned?

Facsimile aggregate data God
Escape both in and from your pod
The Dark Ages of Old and New
Dynamics of the Family Feud
An eye for an eye, but cheek to cheek
Right and laugh or read and weep


4. Integrand


∫K(x)dn; S = {4,7,5,3,4,7,6}


With the way it’s going down
Bullet catch and rocket dodge
Flimsy handshakes in the crowd
Strong embrace in the garage
It’s a spectacle to see
Wallets shine and smiles bulge
Just an unwanted wannabe-ism
Or an unwilling desire for cake



5. Planular


∫K(x)dn; S = {3,7,5,1,2,4,6}


If you listen well
you can start to tell
all that’s happening
at the whirl pool ball
wearing modal garb
dancing all around
it’s under your feet –
this is the melody.



6. Integreat


∫K(x)dn; S = {4,2,7,5,3,1,6,4}



7. The Around Square


∫K(x)dn; S = {1,6,4,5,4,2,5,1,5,3,1,4,1,7,5,4}


When the water flowing by below the bridge I’m on
Reminds me of the moments that I’ve had and some were fun
I’m reminiscing on some juicy tidbits from my past
Many one-offs barely made a dent I just wish they’d lasted
Then some things I’d left alone in the end started to quake
Behind the cupboard a festering ooze made contact with a plague
It always kept me anchored down afraid to sail the world
And if it was alright to swim I might have just jumped in
But I stayed shipwrecked, stranded, moored to a buoy from the past
Thinking of it as if it weren’t just time floating by



8. Key Squared West


∫K(E)dn; S = {1,7,6,5,4,3,2,1; iterative}


Going down, where people drown their sorrows away
And ride the waves of life under sunny skies
To the place that’s fine for me
The most southern point, the western key
You learn all odd, but work’s a bet
Because you earn a lot so you can pay off debt



9. Locrio


∫K(x)dn; S = {7}


If you know a little bit
About diatonic
Theory then it shouldn’t be
Too hard to understand me
Only as well as I’m
Able to explain it
It’s all based upon it
And is bounded by it

You take any old note
and go down a third
or four semitones
You have just integrated
Then make a major scale
from this note you just found
and make a major scale
from each interval and – wow!



10. Integrowl


∫K(x)dn; S = {2,5,1}


If you go out in your Sunday clothes
But then you fall down a badger hole
You don’t know which way’s up and which way’s down
Your white leather shoes are a muddy brown
You try to get out but feel compelled to stay in
As if it were a contest you had to win



11. Dog Square


∫K(x)dn; S = {5,6,7,2,4,3,5,1}


When you go out and you see your dog as he’s scratching at his fleas
be real careful how you lend him a hand or you might just catch a disease
barking howling and defecating, it’s a dog’s life don’t you see
in times like these it might be nice to just join along catching the breeze don’t you agree



12. Rastamicron


∫K(A)dn; S = {1,3,4,1,5,6,7,1}



13. Times Square


∫K(x)dn; S = {2,4,6,5,1,3,7,5}.


Here it is, the last day of the year
What have you done that’s worth it
Look back to this day a year ago
what have you made – anything?

Have you spread your love and light around
Or have you just hidden it
Did you tell your friends and family
how much they mean to you?

Did you get a raise or reach a goal
Work out or couch potato?
Write a poem paint a wall or build
Some kind of log cabin?

Here’s your chance to make it right
If there’s something more you want
Goodbye 24 it was a pleasure
See you in another time line



14. (Row³)²


∫K(x)dn; S = {6,3,7,4,1,2,5,1,2,5,1,6,3,7,4,1}



15. Bappyharfblatt Squared


∫K(x)dn; S = {4,7,3,6,2,5,1,4}



16. Ďábelské náměstí


∫K(x)dn; S = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}



17. More Proof: Andante



18. Entanglement: Canon al Reverso il Quatro


(Canon of the mirrored melodies of Evidence and Proof)



19. Plane Jam


∫K(x)dn; S = {7,3,6,2,5,1,4}



20. Jingle Square


∫K(x)dn; S = {1,7,6,5,4,5,1,3, 4,2,6,3,7,4,1,5; 1,7,6,5,4,5,1,3, 4,2,6,3,6,2,5,1}

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